
                                     Doctrinal Statement

1.  We Believe-That the Bible(both the Old and New Testaments) to be the complete revelation from God to man (verbally inspired of God) and preserved for the English speaking people in the King James Bible (A.V. 1611)

2.  We Believe-In the eternal and sovereign existance of God,Triune in his manifestation as.(God the Father,God the Son,God the Holy Ghost.)

3.  We Believe-JesusChrist to be the eternal Son of God, born of a virgin,sinless in his life,God incarnate,vicariously died for fallen mankind,bodily arose after three days and nights,bodily ascended on high,and shall bodily come again to catch away his church in a premillenial,pretribulation rapture.

4.  We Believe-That the Holy Spirit of God is in the world today calling out a bride for Christ. That he convinces men of sin, births believers into the family of God,seals them unto the day of redemption,teaches them,and administrates the church.

5.  We Believe-That the human race is depraved in their nature and in need of a saviour. That those who have not received Christ for salvation are under condemnation before God.

6.  We Believe-That the salvation of sinners is wholly of Grace,and that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation and that it was the forethought plan of God to meet the need of fallen man.

7.  We Believe-That those who receive Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour,are eternally secured through his one supreme sacrifice.

8.  We Believe-That the church is a visible congregation of born again believers,practicing New Testament principles,believing it's doctrine,and observing it's ordinances and exercising it's autonomy.

9.  We Believe-That there is a literal,eternal place of rest for the believer,called Heaven,and a literal,eternal place of punishment for the unbeliever, called Hell and the Lake of Fire.


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